Pay salaries in the currency you want
You company is located in a country but your employees are in an other? Our currency exchange platform is the best option to pay salaries in an other currency than yours. Payments are made almost immediately and safely.
Simplify real estate transactions
You want to buy offices, buildings, properties abroad or pay the rents of your international subsidiaries?The currency exchange service of GAAM Transfer allows you to transfer money fast from a country to an other. Therefore we ease you money transfers whatever the amount.
Ease your import and export transactions
You often make financial transactions at international level? Our currency exchange service naturally aims import and export companies. Via our platform, you dispose of your money quite fast in any currency you need and you can make transfers safely.
Produce movies abroad
Producing movies abroad can be a real brainteaser. GAAM Transfer enables you to make safe money transfers internationally in only few clicks and with a really low exchange rate compared to your bank. Thus your money is cleared more quickly than with your usual bank

Top-level athletes
As a top-level athletes you travel a lot all over the world. With our currency exchange platfom you can make money transfers very easily and in any currency you choose. So you can have your money fast and enjoy it wherever you are on the planet.
Artists, performers and entertainers
Do you often go on tour across the globe? GAAM Transfer allows you to transfer money from your country of residence in an other bank account abroad. Your money is credited easily and you save money on commission fees. Then you can go back on the road without stress.